Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Can caffeine help in weight loss?

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Do caffeine and weight loss share a relationship? This is actually a bit of a loaded question, as there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with this natural substance. Thankfully, the team at Spatz3 has put together this handy guide so that you can make an informed and educated decision at the appropriate time.

Decaf vs caffeinated: What has caffeine in it?

Caffeine is a completely natural substance found in products such as tea, coffee and the cacao plant. It primarily functions by boosting the metabolism. This results in feelings of energy and alertness when consumed in moderate amounts. In terms of decaf vs caffeinated, what are the major differences?

The main takeaway point here is that decaffeinated foods and beverages have been treated so that the caffeine is no longer present (or present in extremely small quantities). However, all of the other ingredients have not been modified in any way. This is why there are no taste disparities between caffeinated and decaffeinated soft drinks.

Negative effects of caffeine

Is caffeine good or bad?

An ongoing debate involves the benefits and potential drawbacks of his substance. In other words, is caffeine good or bad for you? Let us now take a look at both sides of the equation.

Positive Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine can produce feelings of mental clarity and alertness. This is why it is often consumed at the beginning of a workday.

Caffeine has been shown to help the body burn calories to a certain degree. However, the notion of solely employing caffeine for weight loss is generally not thought to be effective.

The effects of caffeine on the brain are also interesting. Some studies have suggested that caffeine may help to improve medium-term memory and to improve reaction times when performing specific tasks.

Negative Effects of Caffeine

  • One problem with consuming too much caffeine is that it can cause restlessness and shakiness in some individuals. This is based around additional factors such as if it is consumed with food and bodyweight.
  • When taken in excess, caffeine can lead to dehydration. This may be problematic during the warmer months of the year or when taking caffeine before workout routines.
  • It could also be possible to become dependent upon the natural boost that caffeine provides. Those who are unable to consume this substance may become irritable or feel as if they are bereft of energy.
Positive effects of caffeine

How much caffeine is too much?

We now come to a rather important portion of our article. While we have examined the positive and negative effects of caffeine, how much should be consumed on a daily basis?

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that consuming up to 400 milligrams is effective for those who wish to heighten the positive effects of caffeine. This roughly equates to between four and five cups of coffee. We still need to remember that everyone reacts differently to this substance. Others will take longer to break down (metabolize) its constituent components. This can prolong the overall effects before another dose is required.

Consuming more than 400 milligrams may lead to the negative sensations outlined previously in this article. In other words, it is wise to take a conservative approach when dealing with substances containing caffeine.

Examples of caffeinated beverages

Are you curious to learn more about common caffeinated beverages? If so, the list found immediately below can work as a comprehensive guide. Here are some common drinks which contain caffeine:

  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks
  • Many soft drinks (along with hefty amounts of sugar)
  • Green, black and red tea
  • Espresso
  • Chocolate milk shakes (unless otherwise stated)
  • Some sports supplements contain caffeine for weight loss purposes

If you are uncertain as to whether or not a certain beverage contains caffeine, be sure to read the list of ingredients. If present, it will be measured in milligrams.

List of caffeinated beverages

The relationship between caffeine and weight loss

You might have heard that caffeine will speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight, or that it functions as a diuretic, causing at least short-term water weight loss. These things are true. But is it a good long-term weight tool?

Let’s look at the diuretic property of caffeine. It’s true that you’ll lose a little water weight with 500 mg of caffeine a day. But you won’t lose any fat. And you might end up with a potassium deficiency. So, unless you’re a wrestler who needs to make weight in a particular category, using caffeine as a diuretic is not a good strategy.

As for the speeding up of your metabolism, that’s called thermogenesis. Caffeine and certain spices (e.g. cayenne pepper) work the same way, making your heart race and your metabolism work to burn more calories. But it isn’t going to lead to any significant weight loss.

Caffeine isn’t an effective tool for weight loss, but it can have other positive effects, if limited to 2-3 cups a day. At those levels, it can increase general alertness and improve one’s ability to remember new information.

Don't abuse caffeine with your Spatz3

While consuming moderate amounts of caffeine from time to time is generally not an issue, be sure to follow the guidelines mentioned above. This is even more relevant if you happen to suffer from conditions such as hypertension or you are taking certain medications.

Remember that, in excess, caffeine is well-known for causing sleeplessness, heart palpitations, anxiety, irritability and addiction. For serious coffee drinkers, it’s easy to take in too much caffeine. Five or more cups a day will put you over the 500 mg line. And that doesn’t count the caffeine you take in with diet sodas and chocolate. For most people, 300-500 mg/day is where caffeine turns from being generally safe to being problematic.

Effects of caffeine on the brain

But people’s reactions to caffeine vary. And it’s common to build up a tolerance for caffeine, so you don’t feel the effects as readily if you’ve been consuming a lot of it over a long period of time. In addition, depending on your weight, you may be able to tolerate a larger amount of caffeine without experiencing the negative effects.

For healthy, sustainable weight loss, take a look at the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon. Partnered with a healthy diet under the care of a nutritionist and a strategy for adding movement to your life, it’s a much healthier way to go.

You can see that using caffeine for weight loss is not effective, but drinking a caffeinated beverage can give you the energy boost you need to exercise. In conclusion, the best way to lose weight is to combine the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon with a healthy diet and exercise. This way, even the highest goals can be within your reach.

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