Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon
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The Importance of Chewing Food Properly for Weight Loss

Does chewing your food more help you lose weight?

Did you know that chewing food weight loss techniques are far from myths? There is actually a direct correlation between how we eat our meals and the calories that we absorb.

I have a very vivid image of a guest eating whole pieces of deli meat, one at a time. It brought to mind the expression “shoveling it in” as a way to describe someone who eats with a vengeance.

Unfortunately, many of us tend to gobble through a meal without truly appreciating what we are eating. Whether due to a hectic lifestyle or simple bad habits, the effects can be profound. This is why we need to ask a handful of questions.

Does chewing more help you lose weight? If so, what do scientists claim are the right number of chews? If you have been struggling to maintain a healthy body mass index or should you wish to make the most out of every meal, the details found below are quite interesting.

There is scientific research that suggests that people who are obese tend to eat more quickly and chew less thoroughly than their leaner counterparts. It’s easy to understand that eating quickly and chewing less leads to consuming more calories. But there’s actually more going on.

Chewing Food For Weight Loss

How to chew your food properly

Next time you eat, without trying to change anything, notice how many times you chew a typical bite of food. Obviously, this will vary by the texture of the food. But most of us will find that, without conscious awareness, we tend to eat and swallow without adequately chewing our food.

Why is it important to chew your food properly? The most logical answer involves the fact that smaller pieces will be easier to digest. So, are any techniques more appropriate than others? This will partially depend upon the type of food you happen to be eating.

Consuming a bowl of soup will require only a minimum amount of mastication while eating a slice of steak naturally offers more challenges. Try to maximise the use of your molars when consuming tougher or more fibrous foods, as these are specifically designed to break down such materials.

Let’s also remember that drinking plenty of water with every meal is a good idea. Water helps to distribute food around the mouth; increasing the chances that it is properly broken down before being subsequently swallowed.

Number of chewings

In terms of chewing food weight loss strategies, one interesting subject involves how many times each piece of food should be chewed before being swallowed. In truth, there is no true “goldilocks” number in this respect. Harder substances will naturally require more attention than others.

So, how many chews are enough? One study indicated that chewing each mouthful 40 times led to a 12% reduction in calorie intake. Chewing that many times also causes a reduction in the production of ghrelin, a hormone associated with hunger.

How Many Times Should You Chew Your Food

Try an interesting experiment the next time you sit down for a meal. Count the number of chews required when eating specific types of food. Are you chewing over the average number or does it appear that you are simply gulping your food down? You could be very well surprised at the results! How many times should you chew your food for weight loss? The answer is more subjective than anything else.

There are other benefits of chewing each bite more. For example, since digestion begins in the mouth, chewing more will break your food into smaller bits, making it that much easier for your body to absorb nutrients from your food.

Chew slowly and consciously

We can now see that one powerful chewing weight loss technique involves adequately chewing each bite of food before swallowing.

For most of us, chewing each mouthful 40 times is not realistic and may even take away some of the pleasure from eating. But it is important to be aware that eating more slowly and chewing more completely are good habits to develop.

Focusing on your meal by eating without distraction is a good first step. Eating more slowly and consciously is also important. Doing so will not only result in you consuming fewer calories, but you are bound to enjoy the food you eat more.

Keep in mind that chewing your food well does not necessarily mean that you should rush. It is instead better to take your time. Not only will you appreciate the taste of the food to a greater extent, but you can remain confident that you will not inadvertently consume large pieces that may present problems. This also leads into the next main point.

Consequences of not chewing food

The importance of chewing food properly also revolves around the consequences of developing bad habits. Also, food that passes into your digestive system in larger pieces can lead to symptoms of digestive distress such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain. What are some potential hazards to appreciate? Let us look at three scenarios.

Digestive Problems

It is difficult for the stomach and small intestine to digest larger pieces of food. This can result in cramping, bloating and gas immediately following a large meal.

Importance of Chewing Food Properly

Unintentional Weight Gain

Some evidence suggests that failing to thoroughly chew your food can cause you to gain weight. This is linked to a hunger-stimulating hormone known as ghrelin (chewing inhibits the release of ghrelin; helping to curb your appetite).

The Possibility of Choking

Finally, attempting to swallow large pieces of food may increase choking hazards. This is why eating slowly is smart from a purely functional point of view.

Chew your food well if you have a gastric balloon

Let’s remember that your stomach may require a bit of time to become accustomed to the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon. After it has been implanted, make it a point to chew your food slowly and thoroughly. This will help to prevent uncomfortable situations such as bloating and an upset stomach.

The chances are high that you will also learn to enjoy each meal to a greater extent and there is nothing wrong with indulging in such sensations. Please feel free to refer back to these chewing food weight loss tips for further inspiration. You will be quite pleased with how modifying a seemingly small habit can transform your entire outlook on food!

Since a gastric balloon works by restricting the amount of space in your stomach, you’ll naturally be eating less. Eating more slowly and chewing more thoroughly will help enjoy the food you do eat during your gastric balloon implantation period.

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