Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Discover The Food Cravings Meaning Chart

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Have you ever heard of a food cravings meaning chart? This type of resource is essentially a visual guide that is intended to highlight some of the reasons why we tend to overeat. It can therefore also be used as a means to stop food cravings in their tracks.

Still, the ability to solve a problem first involves discovering its root components. What causes sugar cravings? Are there any biological components to consider? How can you eliminate these feelings from your lifestyle? If you wish to lose weight and to embrace a healthier outlook, these topics should be discussed in more detail.

What is the Meaning of Food Cravings?

You’d know a food craving if you ever had one. It’s an intense desire to eat a specific food, or a specific kind of food, like something sweet or something salty. A food craving is unlike normal hunger and may be something that is felt even in the absence of normal hunger.

From a broad perspective, any type of craving is defined as an insatiable desire for something that is not always necessary. For instance, someone who recently quit smoking could crave a cigarette while a recovering alcoholic may feel the desperate need for a drink. The same holds true in regard to craving food.

Craving and health are also interlinked. Not only can eating too much food lead to weight gain and chronic issues such as diabetes, but it will often have an impact upon our levels of self-esteem. This is why adopting a more proactive approach is crucial if you wish to make a positive change.

Food cravings meaning chart

Some Possible Causes of Food Cravings

There are many theories about where food cravings originate. If you want to know what they are due to, the food cravings meaning chart can help you. Here are some of them.

Emotional responses

There are several reasons why we may crave food. Some of these can be linked to emotional responses. For example, food may be used as a means to compensate for a recent divorce or the death of a close friend. Many individuals who are depressed tend to consume an excessive number of calories.

The hormones connected to stress are also a potential factor. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. When cortisol levels are high, it’s natural to crave sweet or carbohydrate-filled foods. Anything you can do to reduce stress in your life, such as adequate sleep, frequent breaks, moderate exercise and soothing music can help reduce cortisol levels, thus reducing cravings.

Physical causes

There are likewise some potential physical causes. While a high metabolism will cause us to eat more, this condition is not always associated with cravings. However, another lesser-known factor involves the chemicals contained within many processed foods.

Always craving salt


Additives and preservatives have been shown to affect a portion of the brain known as the “appestat”. This gland controls feelings of hunger. Processed ingredients may trick the appestat into telling us that we need to eat more. This is why some individuals consume far more fast food than appears to be reasonable.

Lack of nutrients

Food cravings are caused by a lack of certain nutrients. There’s actually tremendous body wisdom in this. Your body, sensing a lack of something important, imposes a craving for exactly the nutrients you’re missing. Here are some examples from the food cravings meaning chart:

  • If your body’s stores of iron and zinc are low, you may crave red meat.
  • If you crave salt, you might be dehydrated and need more fluids in your body.
  • It’s not coincidental that women often crave chocolate during their periods. It might be the body’s way of getting iron or magnesium that can be lost during a menstrual cycle.

The theories associate cravings with insufficient food or water intake or too much exercise. Overall, the issue is one of balance. Cravings are an indication that something is out of balance in your life. Aim to balance your life, your blood sugar levels, your fluid intake and your exercise and that should help remove the cravings.

Sleep deprivation

Another theory suggests that cravings increase when we don’t get enough sleep. This is because the production of the hormone leptin, which tells your body that you’ve eaten enough, may be reduced when you’re sleep deprived. So when you don’t sleep enough, your body’s ability to feel satisfied with the food you eat may be impacted. The opposite may also be true.

Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates appetite. People who don’t get sufficient sleep, or whose sleep is not of good quality (for example, a new mother who sleeps just a few hours at a time) may produce too much ghrelin, resulting in an overly strong appetite.

How to reduce sugar cravings

How to reduce sugar cravings?

Let us also remember that the table of the meaning of food cravings does not only refer to sugar. For example, some may always crave salt. In either case, the fact of the matter is that eliminating these sensations represent the first step down the road to a healthier lifestyle.

Whether you have become concerned about your intake of salt or you instead hope to learn how to reduce sugar cravings, there are several basic strategies to employ. The first involves monitoring your daily habits. For instance, is there a specific time of the day when you feel incessantly hungry? Do you find yourself craving sweets at night? Do you immediately turn to food as a coping mechanism when presented with a stressful situation? Try to be as objective as possible when answering these and similar questions.

In the event that you feel as if you are controlled by cravings, the next step is to eliminate unhealthy substances from your diet. For example, you can turn to a fresh bowl of fruit as an alternative to a candy bar or a soft drink. It is also wise to include plenty of fiber in your diet. Fiber will provide you with feelings of satiety for longer periods of time. Finally, remember to drink plenty of water. Not only will you remain hydrated, but water helps to eliminate hunger pangs.

Every Journey Begins with Willpower

The reality is that it can be difficult to eliminate food cravings. Most likely, these changes will require a fair amount of effort and dedication. But, if you succeed, your health will improve considerably, both physically and psychically.

Food cravings can also lead to weight gain. You may need professional help at some point, such as what the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon can offer you. But, while this weight loss system will certainly help to limit your appetite, commitment is also necessary if you hope to lose weight.

So, why not create your very own food cravings meaning chart. You can keep track of your progress and this is an excellent way to remain motivated when the going gets tough. Start your journey today!

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