Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Why Eating Fast is Never a Good Idea

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many of us have grown accustomed to eating fast. In fact, we consider meals nothing more than brief interruptions throughout what might otherwise represent an extremely busy day. This is actually quite a bad habit and it can have some unintended consequences; particularly in relation to weight gain.

Why does consuming food at a frenetic pace lead to some health issues? What steps can you take if you feel that you have fallen victim to such a habit? We will address these and similar questions immediately below.

Eating Slow Benefits to Highlight

In the past, humans viewed meals as pleasant and relaxing experiences that were welcome breaks from everyday routines. Eating slower allowed them to enjoy what they were consuming; offering very real psychological benefits that are not often present in this day and age. In other words, slower paces will allow you to appreciate what you are actually tasting.

As highlighted in the prior section, thoroughly chewing each bite of food will increase its overall surface area. It will be much easier to digest and your body can obtain all of the most vital nutrients. This is the main reason why those who take time to enjoy a meal are much less likely to experience symptoms such as indigestion and bloating.

Eating slow benefits

Does Eating Slow Help with Weight Loss?

Eating fast vs slow is also linked to weight loss, although this observation may be surprising at first glance. One reason involves the fact that consuming food at a slower pace will allow you to feel fuller and more satisfied. Therefore, you are less likely to eat more than is warranted at any given time.

Another factor to consider is associated with how often meals take place. Those who eat extremely fast tend to consume snacks throughout the day; some of these consisting of unhealthy substances such as foods high in trans fats. As a relaxed meal will contribute to feelings of satiety, you will no longer suffer from cravings that could otherwise lead to weight gain.

How to Eat Slow: Tips and Suggestions

Learning how to eat slowly will first involve a bit of subjective observation. Take a closer look at your current habits as well as how long it takes to complete an average meal. Most experts recommend that meals should last between 20 and 30 minutes. If you are finishing a meal in significantly less time, the chances are high that a bit of patience is in order. Here are some other useful tips:

  • Cooking healthy foods will enable you to appreciate their flavours, leading to longer meals.
  • Set a timer to better appreciate your current habits.
  • Schedule meals with others at a convenient time.
  • Eat foods that require a significant amount of chewing. Avoid extreme hunger. It is more difficult to eat slowly when you are famished.

These steps will help to guarantee that you begin to appreciate what each meal has to offer.

How to eat slow

Making the Most Out of Every Meal

It is no surprise that the term “fast food” has become ubiquitous throughout western culture. Unfortunately, many of us suffer from a hectic lifestyle that leads us to consume substances at a rapid pace. The first step in rectifying this problem is beginning to realise that it exists.

Meals should represent pleasant and relaxing experiences. Why not make the most out of what they have to offer? While it might be slightly difficult to enact such a lifestyle change, the long-term benefits cannot be overlooked.

Eating fast is one of the many reasons why individuals often choose the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon; it will help to reduce the amount of food that we consume at any given time. Be sure to refer back to this article for guidance and when needed, speak with a nutritionist to obtain even more advice.

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