Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon
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Gluten Free Meals For Weight Loss: How It Affect My Body?

Is gluten free weight loss a realistic possibility? There have been many health fads over the years and the elimination of gluten from one’s diet represents one of the most recent. There are likewise many other benefits which individuals have experienced after adopting a gluten free weight loss diet.

Are you curious to enact such a lifestyle change? If so, it is first important to understand how gluten can potentially impact your body mass index (BMI). We can then discuss why this approach could represent a refreshing change.

Why Might Gluten Cause Some Individuals to Gain Weight?

We should mention that not everyone has adverse reactions to gluten. There are still many who are sensitive to this substance. Some common symptoms of gluten intolerance include:

  • Cramping and bloating
  • Constipation
  • Excess gas
  • Diarrhoea

Additionally, some of these digestive problems can lead to weight gain. The main issue here is that gluten is found within numerous types of foods. Examples include wheat, barley, white bread, and many types of baked goods.

Gluten Free Weight Loss

Is it Possible to Experience Rapid Weight Loss After Going Gluten-Free?

Considering the array of symptoms outlined above, it only seems logical to assume that eliminating gluten from your diet would contribute to your weight loss goals. This is true to an extent. One predominant factor involves whether or not you have been diagnosed with a specific illness known as Celiac Disease.

Celiac disease is a condition which causes the body to literally attack the tissues found within the small intestine when gluten is consumed. This leads to the problems mentioned in the previous section. Of course, weight gain is yet another concern which many sufferers have expressed.

However, those who do not suffer from Celiac Disease might not necessarily benefit from excluding gluten from their diets. Why is this the case and what alternatives can you leverage?

Why is Gluten Bad for Weight Loss Goals?

It should be made clear that those who have been diagnosed with Celiac disease can experience positive changes by limiting the consumption of gluten in their diets. However, individuals who do not have this condition could actually be doing more harm than good.

The main reason behind this decidedly surprising observation involves the dietary limitations that are sometimes involved. For instance, there are certain foods which contain gluten which are high in essential vitamins and nutrients.

The second issue involves the fact that gluten is capable of reducing food cravings that occur throughout the day. Cutting out this substance can sometimes lead to snacking at inopportune times; once again resulting in an excessive consumption of calories. This directly counteracts any attempts to lose weight that might have otherwise proven to be effective.

Can a Gluten-Free Diet Help to Reduce Belly Fat?

Reducing belly fat can often represent a daunting process. Not only is this type of fat difficult to target via traditional exercises, but the body prefers other sources when it needs to burn calories for energy.

This is why it might be surprising to learn that embracing a gluten-free diet may be able to reduce the appearance of belly fat. Note that the term “appearance” was employed here. Diets high in gluten can cause bloating and water retention; leading to a larger midsection. While the results may be merely aesthetic at first glance, let’s remember that they can still help you to remain highly motivated to achieve your weight loss goals when the going gets tough.

Gluten In Your Diet

Gluten Free Weight Loss: Friend or Foe?

Gluten is an all-natural substance that has been present in food for thousands of years. However, there are some individuals who find it difficult to efficiently digest this material. This could also prevent you from realising your long-term health goals.

If you have already been fitted with a Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon, you have taken the first step towards a rewarding long-term journey. As your appetite will be noticeably reduced, your desire for foods containing gluten should likewise be limited. It is still a good idea to consult with a specialist if you suspect that you may be suffering from Celiac disease.

A gluten free weight loss dietary regimen may be a wise choice (depending upon your lifestyle and personal goals). Why not make such a change and experience the well-deserved rewards? These tips could very well open up a host of previously unimaginable possibilities!

Are you serious about losing weight and keeping it off? If you have a weight loss mindset, contact Spatz Medical to consult with us and to determine if our revolutionary Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon can help you lose weight and never find it again.

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