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Discover the hidden language of fatigue’s effects on your body

Reading Time: 4 minutes

There are many fatigue effects that we tend to feel from time to time. Some of these are physical in nature while others (such as anxiety, depression or malaise) take on a decidedly emotional flavor. While the types of fatigue may vary, they all indicate that a problem is present. In the event that we ignore the associated symptoms, we could very well be placing our long-term health at risk. Let’s therefore briefly examine the causes of fatigue and tiredness before looking at some lesser-known symptoms that could signal an issue.

The Types of Fatigue at a Glance

Appreciating how to combat fatigue will first involve recognising its two primary forms in relation to the body:

  • Short- to medium-term fatigue (bouts lasting fewer than six months)
  • Long-term fatigue (symptoms that persist for six months or more; often referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

Please note that either of these scenarios may exhibit themselves as a form of emotional fatigue or they can be rooted in purely physical symptoms (as well as a combination of both).

Common Causes of Fatigue and Tiredness in Adults

Fatigue has lots of causes. Let’s take a look at some of the main ones:


Some of the major ones, including anemia, diabetes and hepatitis C, are serious medical conditions that require medical intervention.


While specific medical conditions can cause fatigue (such as lupus and fibromyalgia), lifestyles play a massive role. Lifestyle issues, including not moving enough and not experiencing restorative sleep, can also contribute to fatigue.

Others, such as fatigue caused by too much processed food in the diet, not enough Vitamin D, not enough Omega-3 fatty acids and not enough magnesium, can be remedied by improving the quality of one’s diet and by taking supplements.

A poor diet can often cause the fatigue effects outlined earlier. Consuming fast food is a perfect example, as processed chemicals can impact how our brains function. Those who feel that they have become addicted to fast foods may also become ashamed of this habit; leading to feelings of guilt and mental “sluggishness”. Getting over these fatigue symptoms is therefore crucial if we wish to make positive lifestyle changes.

Fatigue and weight loss (or rather, the inability to lose weight) are also highly correlated.

The causes of fatigue and tiredness

Psychological factor

On the other hand, fatigue can also have a psychological component. Fatigue is sometimes about wanting to check out. For instance, prolonged periods of emotional stress can lead to feelings of exhaustion. The same holds true for unhappy relationships, poor self-esteem and excessive alcohol consumption.

A example of emotional fatigue

Years ago, I was in a great job. Great title. Good salary. Important work. During that time, I found myself falling asleep nearly every day on the way home from work. Was I tired from the work day? Yes, but no more than a normal person after a normal day at work. It was so bad, I had an appointment for a sleep study to try to get to the bottom of the constant fatigue.

And then I realized that I hated my job. Or, more accurately, I had a boss who liked to keep my hands tied. I was frustrated at not being able to be creative at work, because my boss didn’t like me to stretch beyond the fierce limits she imposed. My nodding off in the late afternoons was a function of not wanting to deal with what I knew I had to deal with.

I knew, in some deep place, that I had to quit. It wasn’t a reality I wanted to face. But once I did, my normal energy returned because my fatigue wasn’t about anything physical. It was about a work situation that drained me. Other psychological factors that can be related to fatigue include grief, anxiety, abuse, boredom, relocating and divorce.

Whether the primary cause is physical or emotional, when you’re fatigued, it’s important to take the best care of yourself that you can. That means taking care to eat well, moving your body and, perhaps most importantly, finding someone to talk things out with.

How to Combat Fatigue: Developing a Mental Game Plan

It is first important to become aware that this condition even exists. Many adults attribute these feelings to terms such as “burnout”; failing to realize that a larger problem is present. Therefore, take a step back and evaluate your current lifestyle. Here are some relevant questions to ask:

  • Do you feel fulfilled with your professional career?
  • Are you happy with your personal life?
  • How often do you encounter sensations of stress and anxiety?
  • Do you find it difficult to fall (and remain) asleep?
  • Have you come to rely upon certain chemicals (such as alcohol) to feel relaxed?
  • Do you feel that you are obtaining the appropriate amount of physical activity?

Honestly answering these and similar questions will help to illustrate your current state of mind. However, this is only half of the equation.

Best way to combat fatigue

Foods to Fight Fatigue

We are what we eat. This mantra is just as relevant when discussing the effects of fatigue upon the body. Embracing a healthy diet is therefore key if you wish to finally extricate yourself from these doldrums. The good news is that there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some foods to include within your next grocery list:

  • All fruits and vegetables (apples, bananas and broccoli in particular).
  • Lean proteins
    Whole grains containing complex carbohydrates
  • Nuts (cashews, hazelnuts and pecans)
  • Chia seeds
  • Oats

Furthermore, always make it a point to remain hydrated throughout the day. Water helps to transport vital nutrients throughout the body, providing you with a much-needed energy boost.

Fighting Fatigue in your journey with Spatz3

It is estimated that more than one in five adults experiences chronic fatigue. So, this problem is more prevalent than we have been led to believe. Thankfully, adopting the recommendations mentioned above can provide you with the motivation required to make the necessary changes.

This is even more relevant if you have already taken specific steps such as being fitted with a Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon. Although everyone feels a bit down from time to time, chronic exhaustion can lead to serious long-term consequences. Appreciating fatigue effects on the body and the mind is therefore critical if you hope to avoid more worrying health conditions.

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