Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Do Birth Control and Weight Gain Share a Relationship ?

Best contraception to avoid gain weight

Reading Time: 3 minutes Women who hope to avoid becoming pregnant are often curious to know about the relationship between birth control and weight gain. Not only is this a concern from an aesthetic point of view, but a significantly high body mass index (BMI) may present health risks over time. Let’s break down some common myths in order […]

Are Lentils Good For Losing Weight?

Lentils for weight loss

Reading Time: 4 minutes Lentils are a nutritional dish you can add to your soup, casserole, or salad as part of your lentils weight loss diet. Lentils are tiny seed-like vegetables that are part of the legume family and are rich in nutrients. They help the body to burn fat and are a good source of fibre, which helps […]

Anti Inflammatory Diet For Weight Loss

anti inflammatory diet for weight loss

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is an Anti-inflammatory Diet? An anti-inflammatory diet for weight loss focuses on nutrient-dense whole foods to support optimum health. The goal of the diet is to lower chronic inflammation while promoting the consumption of fibre, vitamins, minerals, vital fatty acids, and phytonutrients. The diet involves eating fresh foods and healthy fats high in antioxidants. […]

Is Morning Exercise for Weight Loss the Best Strategy to Adopt?

morning exercise for weight loss

Reading Time: 3 minutes Does morning exercise for weight loss goals live up to the hype that has been purported by some experts? Why might this specific time of the day present the perfect metabolic “window” for burning fat and boosting energy levels? If you have been struggling to develop and effective fitness routine, it pays to take a […]