Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Can You Eat Too Many Eggs?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Eggs are one of the most versatile, nutrient-packed, and accessible foods available. They’re also one of the most controversial. Within the past decade, “put an egg on it” has been a more prolific go-to trend than “just add bacon” (healthier, too). However, in 2021, news from recent studies suggested that perhaps there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing, which begged questions like, “How many eggs is too many?” and “Is it safe to eat eggs?” and “What are the pros and cons of eggs?”

Is It Safe to Eat Eggs?

First, let’s look at eggs from a nutritional standpoint. Nutritionally, there are a lot of benefits of eating eggs. They are among the highest in terms of delivering natural protein. Specifically, eggs contain:

  • 7 grams of lean protein.
  • 75 calories.
  • 5 grams of fat (1.6 saturated).
  • Iron and vitamins minerals (choline, selenium, B vitamins).
  • Carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin).
  • Anti-inflammatories.
  • Antioxidants.


The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are useful for fighting age-related macular degeneration. Eggs may also positively contribute to memory and brain development. Further, anti-inflammatories help improve some heart disease biomarkers while the antioxidant properties are shown to protect cells from chronic diseases and certain cancers.

benefits of eating eggs

On the negative side, eggs have 213 mg of cholesterol, which is a lot; however, people’s cholesterol levels should be determined on an individual basis. If you’ve never been to a nutritionist or a doctor to determine your cholesterol levels, the generally-accepted baseline is 300 mg. This means that eggs contain over 2/3 of your daily cholesterol maximum.

So…is it safe to eat eggs? The answer is yes. There are many benefits of eating eggs including protein boosts and the wealth of vitamins and nutrients they pack.

How Many Eggs is Too Many?

While it is definitely okay and beneficial to eat eggs, there’s always too much of a good thing. For example, while Rocky Balboa could get away with hosing raw eggs, it’s ill-advised for the majority. In fact, the generally-accepted consensus is that people should eat no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

For individuals with high cholesterol, this number is lower. Even though eggs are associated with “good” cholesterol, which can actually reduce one’s risk of stroke and heart attack, high cholesterol levels in general are still undesirable.

Of course, if you recall during the 1970s, there was a massive “eggs are bad” campaign due to finding about cholesterol, heart health, stroke, and eggs. It’s now believed those correlations are largely due to the additions of sausage, bacon, biscuits, etc.—all of which are rife with bad cholesterol—contributed to those findings.

Still, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before eating one, two, or more eggs a day if you have cholesterol issues.

Is Eating Eggs Every Day Bad for You?

One interesting finding as we explore whether or not one can eat too many eggs is that while it’s indicated that one or two a day is fine, generally, it’s recommended not to eat more than 7 eggs per week.

Basically, this means that while you can have a single egg per day, if you’re a two-eggs at a time kind of dinner, your best bet is to space out your consumption (have eggs every other day!).

This will help you maximize the amazing nutritional benefits while avoiding some of the less savory ones. Mind, this advice is erring on the side of caution; however, when it comes to health and nutrition…it’s better to be safe than sorry, and we do know that when you consume too many eggs, you can experience negative health side effects like nausea, bloating, vomiting, stomach issues, and kidney issues. Of course, it’s likely these are caused when people eat an excessive number of eggs on a regular basis.

eat too many eggs on a diet

Other Benefits of Eating Eggs: Weight Loss

In all reality, eggs are almost exclusively beneficial, and it’s expected that subsequent studies will reveal even more positives. For example, we know that because eggs have so much protein, they help people feel full longer. This means an egg in the morning can carry you quite a long way throughout the day. You’re not at risk for a sugar crash when you start the day with an egg.

Further, eggs rich in Omega-3s are known for lowering triglyceride levels, a definite plus for anyone working on improving their health and physique.

Eating the right foods is vital for any health and weight loss journey. Eggs can be part of that. Understanding nutrition is vital for making the right choices. If you’re trying to lose weight and need extra help, contact us at Spatz Medical to learn about the Spatz3 gastric balloon and what it can do for you and your health journey.

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