Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Relaxation in Digestion With My Weight Loss Balloon

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I recently wrote about the stress response and how it’s counterproductive to digestion. When you’re in a state of stress, even chronic, low-level stress, your body shuts down digestion. That makes calorie burning inefficient, leading to increased body weight. Stress also signals your body to produce insulin and cortisol, hormones which tell your body to store fat, making losing weight all the more difficult. 

So if eating under stress is something we should avoid, what are we to do instead? Not everyone has the luxury to dine at every meal. But, here are some things you can do to shift your body into a relaxation response while you’re eating. These small changes can help your body burn calories more efficiently, providing you with a more relaxing weight loss solution.

Lose Weight By Eating Slowly

Ultimately, your goal is to take more time to eat. So if you currently eat lunch in 10 minutes at your desk, can you take 20 minutes and step away from your desk? Try lengthening the amount of time it takes you to finish your meal. Start small. Take an extra 5 minutes. Take smaller bites. Chew more thoroughly. Put your fork down between bites. These strategies aren’t designed to get you to eat less. Just to get you to eat more slowly.

Take a few deep breaths (from your stomach, not your shoulders) before you start to eat and in between bites. It will both relax you and introduce more oxygen into your digestive system. It might be useful to think of your digestive system as a furnace that needs oxygen to burn.

Listen to relaxing music while eating or, if you can, have a nice conversation with someone whose company you enjoy. Just don’t talk about anything stressful while you eat.

Woman Savoring Each Bite

Forget trying to multitask. You’re working against your own biology when you do that. When it’s time to eat, just eat. Relax and enjoy your meal. Again, when your body is in the state of parasympathetic nervous system dominance, meaning you’re relaxed and not on edge, it can do its best, most efficient job of digesting your meal.

The Spatz3 Weight Loss Program:

Spatz is focused on a holistic approach to meeting your weight loss goals. By working on the easier methods to help you lose weight, like relaxed eating, you will have more energy to dedicate to the more difficult tasks, like dieting and exercise. Ultimately, our goal is to help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle long after your balloon is removed. Together, you and your intragastric balloon will be on your way to looking better than ever!

Your Spatz adjustable gastric balloon is doing its part to help you lose weight. You can do your part by eating in a relaxed state as often as possible.

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