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Stir Fry Vegetables Without Oil For Weight Loss

Health benefits of cooking without oil

Have you been curious to learn more about why many individuals are choosing to stir-fry without oil? Did you know that frying without oil will help to limit the amount of fat and the number of calories that the food itself contains? This is obviously beneficial if you are hoping to trim a few pounds or should you wish to embrace a healthy diet.

How to Stir Fry Without Oil

Cooking purists might say that without oil you’re really more boiling or steaming your veggies than truly sautéing them, but that’s a technical difference that won’t matter much to your final dish. Both oil and water help transfer the heat from the pan to your vegetables in order to soften and cook them. And, when you use water or broth instead of oil, you’ll be saving approximately 120 calories for each tablespoon of oil you don’t use.

As an added bonus, you won’t have a greasy pan to clean!

Alternatives to cooking without oil

One primary reason why many now prefer to stir fry without oil is that there are few dangers in terms of artery-clogging cholesterol. As cooking fats go, olive oil is amongst the healthiest of oils, but that doesn’t mean it won’t raise your cholesterol level. It just means that it doesn’t raise it as much as other oils and fats, such as canola oil or butter. In addition, some people believe that heating oils to the high temperatures needed for stir frying can release harmful free radicals.

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Frying vegetables

If you want to stir fry vegetables or sauté greens, what healthy options do you have? You may not be aware, but you can actually cook vegetables in any liquid, including clear soup broth, wine, juice, or even plain water. If you want to ditch the empty calories that sautéing in oil adds, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to stir fry without oil:

  • Add 2-6 Tbsp of vegetable or other clear soup broth to a pan and heat over medium until the broth just begins to boil. The amount depends on the quantity of vegetables you want to cook. Better to start with less and add more during the cooking process.
  • Add chopped onions first. When cooking, onions release their own liquid, which will add to the complexity of flavor.
  • It’s important to stir frequently to avoid having the onions stick to the pan. And, you may have to periodically add more liquid and watch carefully to avoid charring. If they begin to turn black, lower the heat and keep stirring.
  • After about 5 minutes, the onions will have softened enough to add other ingredients that need extra cooking, such as garlic. Soften the garlic for another minute or two, then add whatever other veggies you like in your stir fry. We’re partial to broccoli and cauliflower, and we often add a handful of raw cashews into the mix, but here’s where you can be creative.
  • Remember, the secret is to not let the water burn off completely and keep stirring.
Roasting Veggies Without oil

Roasting vegetables

What about roasting vegetables without oil? Believe it or not, there are plenty of no oil roasted vegetables to consider. Here are two tasty choices:

  • Roasted broccoli with no oil.
  • Roasted cauliflower with no oil.

Not only is roasted broccoli a great idea if you enjoy crispy vegetables, but broccoli is packed full of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and B-complex vitamins. Roasted cauliflower is another delectable possibility. For extra flavor, this vegetable can be topped with hulled pumpkin seeds, garlic powder or ground black pepper.

Cooking without oil: Recipes for eating with gastric balloon

The good news is that creating a stir fry without oil is quite easy. For example, a stir fry sauce without sesame oil can contain other ingredients such as soy lecithin, wheat berries, a dash of sea salt, and beef bouillon. The bottom line is that you are only limited by your imagination, so feel free to experiment to your heart’s desire!

Whenever you’re inspired to take control of your health, take a look at the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon to see how it can help you meet your personal wellness goals.

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