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Is There a Link Between Obesity and Macular Degeneration?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you curious to learn about the potential relationship between obesity and macular degeneration? While some effects of obesity such as poor cardiovascular health and an increased risk of diabetes are familiar, the presence of macular degeneration syndrome might come as a bit of surprise. Let us answer some key questions in order to shed more light upon this subject.

What Causes Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a chronic disease that impacts your central vision. Over time, images can become blurry and glasses may become necessary. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this illness. The exact causes are likewise not fully understood. Scientists believe that macular degeneration may result from smoking, diets high in saturated fat even stress. Is macular degeneration hereditary? Some research seems to indicate that parents who exhibit symptoms of this syndrome are more likely to have children who develop macular degeneration over time.

Macular degeneration causes

What is the Most Significant Risk Factor for Macular Degeneration?

While obesity certainly plays a role, it is a well-known fact that those who smoke are up to four times as likely to develop this condition when compared to non-smokers. They may likewise develop symptoms at a much earlier age. This is why one of the most potent macular degeneration prevention tips is to quit cigarettes sooner as opposed to later.

As mentioned previously, genetics are also thought to play a significant role. Those who smoke or who already have a family history of macular degeneration are therefore placing the health of their eyes in jeopardy. Once again, changing specific lifestyle habits can have a significantly positive aspect. This brings us to yet another point.

Can Losing Weight Lessen Your Chances of Developing this Condition?

Now that we have established a tentative link between obesity and macular degeneration, it only stands to reason that losing weight is a wise option. Could maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) actually help to prevent this condition? At the time that this article was written, there was yet no definitive answer.

However, losing weight will certainly mitigate many of the other risk factors that were outlined above. Scientists also feel that healthy eating may delay the onset of late-stage macular degeneration. This is partially due to the fact that diets rich in eye-friendly nutrients will help to protect the ocular as we age.

Let’s now assume for a moment that you have already been diagnosed with macular degeneration. Will losing weight reverse the condition? Unfortunately, macular degeneration cannot be improved or entirely eliminated. However, adopting a healthier lifestyle will certainly slow its progression.

Eye friendly foods

Eye-Friendly Foods to Consider

If you hope to stave off the long-term effects of macular degeneration, embracing a healthy diet is arguably one of the most potent tools within your arsenal. Consider eating these foods on a regular basis:

  • Spinach.
  • Kale.
  • Sweet peppers.
  • Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines.
  • Eggs.
  • Dark leafy greens.

It may also be wise to take a natural supplement that has been specifically engineered to promote eye health. Ingredients such as lutein and zeaxanthin have already been shown to positively impact ocular cells.

A final recommendation is to leverage the beneficial effects of the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon, particularly if you are presently obese and find it difficult to control cravings for specific foods. As science continues to advance, there is no doubt that the relationship between obesity and macular degeneration will become even more clear.

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