Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Cycling Vs Running: Which Is Better For Weight Loss?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In terms of effective weight loss strategies, the cycling vs running debate has existed for quite some time. This arises from the simple fact that both are highly popular exercise techniques and they can be practiced in a variety of ways. However, let’s imagine for a moment that you have been searching for a targeted strategy in order to compliment ongoing efforts such as a healthy diet. Is one of these methods better than the other? The only way to properly answer this question is to examine each approach in greater detail.

Running for Weight Loss

Running has always been a well-known way to trim away those excess kilos. Studies have found that an individual who moderately jogs for 60 minutes may burn up to 700 calories. Running is also highly practical due to the simple fact that it can be performed nearly anywhere and few pieces of additional equipment are required. There are still a handful of potential drawbacks to mention before moving on.

While running can indeed burn more calories, it also places a greater strain upon the ligaments and joints. This may present an issue for those who are overweight or who might already be experiencing skeletomuscular issues. Furthermore, running at an intense pace can be difficult and therefore, limit the total number of calories that are burned during a given session.

running for weight loss

Cycling for Weight Loss

So, what about cycling to meet and exceed your weight loss targets? Many experts will rightfully cite the fact that cycling tends to represent a low-impact activity. This essentially signifies that much less strain will be placed upon your ankles, knees, hips, and lower lumbar region. Cycling can also be useful for those who are hoping to develop a greater degree of muscular tone in their legs (particularly the quadriceps and hamstrings). Whether referring to a stationary bicycle or enjoying the great outdoors, this activity can be performed at your own pace and it can even be used as a means to travel to or from work.

Still, fewer calories will be burned while cycling when compared to a running session. This arises from the fact that the body is (generally) placed under less metabolic strain. Another possible issue is that individuals will need to either purchase a bicycle or head off to their local gym in order to experience the advantages mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Tackling Stubborn Belly Fat

Is cycling or running better for melting away abdominal fat? Most experts agree that running supersedes cycling in terms of belly fat. This is once again due to the number of calories that will be burned. However, keep in mind that some stationary bicycles can now double as elliptical trainers. These provide a whole-body workout and as a result, similar levels of fat can be ablated over time.

Running also tends to activate the core muscles to a greater degree; particularly when jogging at a faster pace or when dealing with challenging terrain. This will help to target stubborn areas of abdominal fat (such as love handles) that might not be possible to address through cycling alone.

However, intensity also comes into play. Running can take a significant toll on the body and therefore, the sessions themselves might not last as long as a typical cycling routine. In other words, cycling at a moderate pace for longer periods of time might very well be able to burn the same number of calories associated with an intense (but short-lived) bout of running.

The Role of Diet

Although both of these habits are undoubtedly healthy, the role of diet is just as important. Balanced meals will provide the body with the “fuel” that it requires to function at an optimal level. Furthermore, consuming ample amounts of protein will prevent catabolism (the breakdown of muscle tissue) when performing rigorous exercise.

Whether you prefer running or are eager to become a keen bicyclist, remember that it is always important to pace yourself when adopting any type of new routine. This will help to prevent injuries and while introducing your body to movements that might otherwise be entirely unfamiliar.

Finally, combining relatively intense cardiovascular activities with cutting-edge accessories such as the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon could provide even more noticeable results. Although the cycling vs running debate is still going strong, either exercise will provide undeniable benefits with time and patience.

cycling for weight loss

Difference 5: Saturated Fats Can Have Some Health Benefits

As noted, you need saturated fats in an appropriate balance and while too many saturated fats can contribute to increased cholesterol, it’s also been shown that consuming dairy products can potentially lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, so don’t dodge the dairy or all of the saturated fats; just consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Further studies of fats and our bodies may yield more information, but at the moment, we know that the main differences between unsaturated and saturated fats pertain to their chemical compounds, their roles in our bodies, and which are best and healthiest to eat most of the time.

Aim for a diet where the majority of your fat calories come from unsaturated fats. When you do consume saturated fats, look for sources that are healthier. Eat yogurt or coconut oil, for example. At the end of the day your health, just like your fat consumption, is all about balance.

Finding balance in your diet can be hard. Learning a new way of eating can pose a challenge for many, and without seeing immediate results, it’s easy to lose heart. If you’ve been trying to lose weight and believe you qualify for extra help, contact us at Spatz Medical to see if the revolutionary Spatz3 gastric balloon is right for you on your health journey.

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