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Is Cardio Or Strength Training Better For Weight Loss?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is cardio or strength training better for weight loss? While both approaches can yield impressive results, is one more effective than the other if you are hoping to reduce your body mass index (BMI)? Answering this question will require us to delve a bit deeper into the mechanics of each as well as the associated benefits. If you happen to be “on the fence” in terms of adopting the correct training regimen or should you wish to learn more about how the body responds to physical exertion, be sure to keep reading.

The Main Differences Between Cardiovascular and Weight Training

While strenght training and weight loss are often lumped together as a singular topic, the simple fact is that this type of regimen is more concerned with developing slow-twitch muscle fibers that ultimately result in an increase in mechanical power. For example, an individual who wishes to increase the strength in his or her legs will generally perform exercises associated with relatively few repetitions (such as squats or deadlifts).

On the contrary, cardiovascular exercise is intended to increase the efficiency of the heart and lungs, resulting in greater levels of endurance as well as a heightened basal metabolic rate (BMR). This ultimately leads to the consumption of more calories and therefore, weight loss over time. Common examples include running, swimming and aerobics.

We can now see that while both approaches are healthy, cardiovascular activities seem to offer the chance of achieving your weight loss goals. Still, this is really only the beginning.

strenght for weight loss

Is Strength Training or Cardio Better for Fat Loss?

Considering the factors addressed within the previous section, it becomes clear that cardiovascular routines tend to be more appropriate for those who are hoping to lose weight. However, either mindset can lead to a reduction in your BMI. Is strength training or cardio better for fat loss? Although each offers noticeable results, most experts agree that high-intensity cardiovascular sessions will burn more calories and therefore, lead to a lower BMI over time.

Defining Your Goals

What are you hoping to achieve? Barring the cardio vs strength for weight loss debate, lean muscle mass is just as important in terms of overall health. The main takeaway point is that those who want to lose weight within a relatively short period of time are likely to see more results if they adhere to an exercise routine that places more stress upon cardiovascular activity as opposed to strength training alone. This is why it is crucial to set clear goals from the very beginning.

cardio for weight loss

Time and Patience Lead to Results

Unfortunately, many so-called online “experts” promote their own systems and promise results within an amazingly short period of time. A dose of reality is in order. Even those who endure challenging cardiovascular routines will not witness changes overnight. Progress is a result of time and dedication.

A balanced approach is arguably one of the most effective ways to meet your short- and long-term visions. Why not instead incorporate a certain amount of cardio into your weekly routine alongside weight training to increase lean muscle mass while burning fat?

Thanks to modern medicine and sheer innovation, there are other options to leverage if you are struggling with hunger pangs or find it difficult to moderate your caloric intake. One well-known example involves the flexible and user-friendly nature of the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon. After all, why not take full advantage of the options at your disposal?

Before asking “is cardio or strength training better for weight loss?”, consider the fact that when used in tandem, you can experience the best of both worlds.

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