Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Relating Weight Loss with a FODMAP Diet

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever heard of an approach to weight loss known as the FODMAP diet? As there are so many dietary strategies in existence, this concept might be slightly unfamiliar. Still, the professionals at Spatz3 always aim to provide you with the latest information so that you are able to draw an objective conclusion.

We will begin by examining the basics of this diet. These details will then be followed up by other pertinent subjects such as when this approach may be warranted, the types of foods that you are allowed to eat and even some potential risks to consider.

fodmap and weight loss

What is the FODMAP Diet?

FODMAP is an acronym for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols”. Of course, it is not likely that you are familiar with these substances. The main takeaway point is that these are all naturally occurring sugars found within many foods. However, some individuals find it difficult to metabolise them within the small intestine. Pain, discomfort and poor nutrient absorption may occur as a result.

Some believe that eliminating such substances from their diet can provide a much-needed sense of digestive relief. Others claim that the FODMAP approach is a proven method to lose weight. Is there any merit to this observation? Let’s read on to learn more.

How are FODMAP and Weight Loss Related to One Another?

One of the reasons why an individual might choose to embrace the so-called FODMAP lifestyle involves certain medical conditions that could lead to digestive issues. Two common examples are irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). A handful of symptoms may also include:

  • Cramping.
  • Bloating.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Flatulence.

As certain complex sugars can be difficult to break down, it should stand to reason that their elimination may provide a sense of relief. Furthermore, those who follow the FODMAP meal plan might even be able to lose weight (the number of calories they are allowed to consume is rather limited).

How Long Will it Take Before You Witness Results?

Similar to any type of diet, the amount of time that may transpire until you lose a noticeable amount of weight will vary. Many other variables such as physical activity, stress, and sleeping habits are likely to play equally important roles.

Another unique aspect of the FODMAP strategy involves the different stages. First, you will eliminate all foods containing sugars. These are then slowly introduced in order to better determine which one(s) are causing an issue. In other words, you might begin to lose weight during the first portion due to caloric restrictions. This weight could then return once previous foods are reintroduced.

What Foods are You Allowed to Consume?

What types of foods are included within a typical low FODMAP diet? While the list is somewhat extensive, here are some typical examples:

  • Bean sprouts.
  • Low FODMAP vegetables including collard greens, chives, tomatoes, red peppers and radishes.
  • Fruits such as dates, cranberries, pineapples, and oranges.
  • Chicken, lamb, pork, and turkey.
  • Most fresh fish.
  • Gluten-free breads and grains.

Note that this is only a partial list. Additional online research will provide even more FODMAP diet food lists.

low fodmap vegetables

Is the FODMAP Approach Associated with any Health Risks?

We have now come to the crux of this article. Is it safe to follow a FODMAP diet? Some experts have cited two primary concerns. First, the restricted nature of this meal plan may deprive your body of essential vitamins and minerals. This may lead to deficiencies over time. While beneficial for those who have already been diagnosed with IBS or SIBO, those who are simply looking to lose weight should approach this method with caution.

Another point is that some of the foods permissible within this diet may actually cause you to gain weight if consumed in excess. Therefore, you might be inadvertently counteracting your ongoing efforts.

It is ultimately best to speak with a doctor or nutritionist to determine whether such a strategy is the right choice. Although it could very well enhance the effects already provided by a Spatz3 gastric balloon, its somewhat restrictive nature may represent a potential downside. Many individuals have nonetheless experienced benefits thanks to the FODMAP diet, so do not hesitate to obtain additional advice.

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